Do you have a nutritional champion in your organisation? When you need all your residents in the best shape possible to face external risks. Do they have the knowledge, skills, and support to be able to carry out this role effectively? If not, then get them in as founding members of the new Nutrition Champions Club!
What will you get?
Nutrition Champions Training and support Package:
This interactive course is designed to develop the skills and techniques to be able your Nutritional Champion to effectively help identify the needs & wants of your residents by effective nutritional care planning and auditing, providing the other staff with guidance on how to fill in the care plans and to be able to…
By the end of this programme you will be able to:
Create a person-centered nutritional care plans
Understand the importance of food, nutrition and hydration in the daily living of your residents
Follow a structured approach to person-centered nutritional needs and requirements
Identify any issues/concerns around nutritional problems
Listen effectively to the residents, families and other staff about food and nutritional concerns
Liaise effectively with the catering department on any issues or concerns.
Specifically communicate any information given by medical or AHP’s on dietary requirements to the catering department
Be an effective ‘go to person’ on all thing’s nutrition and hydration for staff
Who Should Attend?
Nutrition Champions who are already in place, newly appointed Nutrition Champions
Duration 4x3 hour sessions
Course Content
The role of a Nutrition Champion
What is your role, how does it make a difference, how can you help your residents by being active and seen?
Nutritional Care Planning
How to write a full effective nutritional care plan
Nutrition the Essentials Plus (topics to include but not limited to)
o Introduction to aging and its effects on food and nutrition
o Factors affecting food and nutritional intake
o The effects of illness and disease on nutritional status
o Malnutrition
o What is a healthy diet (macro and micronutrients and their role)
o The effects of medication on nutrients and vice versa
o Oral nutritional support and food fortification
o Fluid and hydration
o Nutrition and dementia
o Texture modification of food and fluid (IDDSI)
How to get staff on board with changes
By using Behavioural leadership techniques for implementation
How to effectively fill in the daily food and fluid section
Recording of food and fluid intake so it means something to Doctors, Specialist Nurses and AHP’s (on paper or electronic format)
And all the resources, workbooks, documentation.
I will also try and put the groups together that will benefit from each other.
Such as:
Nutrition care planning documentation
Nutrition auditing tool
Dietary and Nutrition Admission checklist
Nutritional assessment documents
A comprehensive Eating and drinking checklist
Dining and mealtime auditing tool...
A weekly mini video on anything new or a specific area for bite size learning that can be show to all staff
A monthly Group masterclass and coaching session (Via Zoom)
Bonus resources & guest speakers by experts in their areas related to eating and nutrition
Such as:
Diabetic Nurse...
A closed Facebook group where the group members can discuss any questions or issues, put forward topics for discussion and share ideas and inspiration to help other members
What is it all about?
Well over the years of being a nutritional and catering consultant for the care sector I have built up a wealth of resources, training materials that can be delivered face to face or via Zoom, online reference videos, workbooks, handy tools and documents to make their life easier and to ensure that they are providing the right information for the rest of the staff and putting in place the right resources to help the well-being of your residents, reduce wastage and costs and give your resident, their families and you the satisfaction and the knowledge that you have not only got a Nutrition Champion on the premises but a well informed and skilled one!